Sunday, October 18, 2009


We have been rehearsing like mad dogs (though still without a name) for a month now, getting ever closer to our first shows. The band is Andrew Mailliard on guitar, Tom Morrill on Bass, Rea Concepcion on drums and myself singing and playing rhythm guitar. A blend of influences though mainly rooted in early eighties British bands like The Smiths, Stone Roses, Echo & The Bunnymen etc. We should have some demos to put out soon, but until then i will be posting lyrics and updates on how we are doing, so in a way this blog is mainly a forum for the band but also an insight to the forces behind it. Hears to Old England & the Revolution.


  1. Who are the lovely old geezers at the top of the page?

  2. They would be Fred & Harry taking a break from their Christmas shopping down on the Bowery some 50 years ago. Or something like that!

  3. I'm relieved it's not any of you guys, I know rehearsals can be tiring.
